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IDM Limited produces DVD's and CD-roms that are highly versatile format for delivering engaging multimedia presentations, for use by internal staff and external clients.

CD Rom and DVD Development.

Our recent three DVD documentaries are on sale worldwide. Please contact us for more details.

A Cd-rom or DVD offers many exciting features websites that traditional media cannot begin to match. With the addition of video and animation, along with the potential for linking to online data, your marketing message can have a significantly higher impact on your target audience than traditional media.

Cutting edge.

DVD's and CD-roms are highly versatile format for delivering engaging multimedia presentations, for use by internal staff and external clients. IDM's Multimedia Cd-rom's, DVD's and business card cd's are best used as preferred marketing tools for conveying high impact presentations.

IDM Ltd, 48 Clarence Square, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 4JR, UK    Tel: +44(0)1242 581800     email: info@idm.org
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